contemporary tap dancer || creator || producer || choreographer || educator
日本タップダンス奨学生制度(JTSP)合格、 The Chicago Human Rhythm Project (in シカゴ)参加
第1回 かわさきタップフェスティバルソロ部門 グランプリ受賞
Stockholm Tap Festival カッティングコンテスト2度準優勝
charu with friends -TapmPorary- 主宰。1年に1度の創作集大成のステージ。タップダンスの可能性を広げるパフォーマンスを目指す
【2007】 リズムタップのショーの衝撃的な出会いからリズムタップを習い始める
【2008】日本タップダンス奨学生制度(JTSP)に合格、The Chicago Human Rhythm Project (in シカゴ)に参加
第1回 かわさきタップフェスティバルソロ部門 グランプリ受賞
【2016,2018,2019】 Stockholm Tap Festival scholarship program スカラシップ獲得、タップフェスティバル参加 in スウェーデン
【2019】Stockholm Tap Festival scholarship program , カッティングコンテスト準優勝 in スウェーデン
Main matsuri in Frankfurt 振り付け、ダンサー参加 in ドイツ
【2023】Luthier Tap Festival 参加 The other tap festival, Dubrovnik dance festival ダブルスカラシップ獲得
【2024】Stockholm Tap Festival カッティングコンテスト準優勝 in スウェーデン
Live performance activity
1年に1度、charu with friends (創作集大成の舞台) 主宰
TapmPorary = contemporary × tap の造語
motty and charu ピアノとタップのデュオ活動開始 (ピアノ:望月慎一郎)
motty and charu
motty (pf) の透明感あるうつくすぎる音に吸い込まれ
motty (望月慎一郎 pf)
[ motty and charu ]
Piano and contemporary tap duo – A pianist and a tap dancer met in the world of sound.
Motty plays beautiful melody.
Charu’s contemporary tap covers any music genre.
English text ▷
[charu : contemporary tap dancer ]
charu is a dancer and educator.
She started to learn classical ballet and a piano since her childhood.
She came across tap dance after she was awakened to creating a dance.
Since then she has been working out the genre to fuse in contemporary dance and the tap which she learned by herself.
That idea leads to her present activities.
Now she holds tap concerts with some musicians, and she both plan and appear on the stage in public performances or in live concerts.
In addition, she gives classes according to an individual person one by one or hold group workshops.
In 2008, she passed an audition carried out in Japan, which is called a Japanese tap scholarship student program and participated in Chicago Tap Festival.
In the same year, she won the championship in a solo section at Kawasaki Tap festival carried out in Japan.
In 2016,2018,2019 she passed an audition carried out in Sweden, which is called a scholarship student program and work exchange program and participated in Stockholm Tap Festival. And she won the cutting contest in second prize twice at the Stockholm Tap Festival.
She takes half a year to work out the creation of her own and put it on the stage once a year and hold live performances with musical instruments regularly.
Although these are her main activities, she is also aiming at collaborating with various genres of dances, artists or projected images. She has still some more ideas which she would like to try and so she is testing them now.